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Homeless Man Sits In Same Spot For 3 Years Until One Woman Changes His Life Forever

In a world where everyone is busy with their own life, it’s nice to know that there are still people in this world who pay attention to the people around them.

A woman and a homeless man from Texas are the perfect example of how wonderful the world would be like, if only all of us would be willing to get to know and care for each other.

For three years in the streets of Webster Texas, there sat a homeless man. Rain or shine, scorching heat or gushing rain, the homeless man named Victor Hubbard would remain on the said corner of the street. Seemingly waiting for someone whose arrival is unsure.

For the entire three years that Victor stood and sat on the corner of the streets of Webster Texas, locals thought of him as a crazy homeless man.

Although people were wondering why he is standing on the same street, no one dared to approach the homeless man, no one cared enough to ask. That is until Ginger Sprouse, a heaven-sent woman, came into the picture.

Ginger Sprouse, a dedicated mother and wise business woman, is the owner of a recreational cooking school named Art of the Meal. She would often pass by Victor, the homeless man, at least 4 times a day.

Curious as to why the homeless man was standing on the same street since forever, Ginger pulled up her car right next to Victor, rolled her window down, and started a conversation with him.

After reaching out to the homeless man, Ginger found out that Victor Hubbard is already 32 years old, he is homeless, and he is mentally challenged. On the same day, Ginger’s curiosity was answered, however, Victor’s answer to the perennial question gives a bittersweet feeling.

Apparently, Victor, a homeless and mentally challenged man, was abandoned by his mom on the same street he has been waiting for her for three years, every single day.

According to Victor, the street of Webster Texas was where he last saw his mother. He’s standing there every single day, regardless of the unbearable weather in hope of seeing her once again.

Touched of Victor’s story, Ginger felt that she had to do something for the homeless man. As the season changed from fall to winter, Ginger cannot stop but think of how Victor would cope up with the cold temperature knowing that he is homeless.

The kind woman, Ginger, began visiting Victor during her lunch breaks. Ginger felt a motherly connection with Victor, and friendship blossomed between the two. Victor accepted her invitation of going to her house during the freezing winter season.

Ginger’s helping hand did not stop there, over the next three months, Ginger assisted Victor to seek mental health treatment. She was able to get Victor off the streets of Texas and hired him as a skilled worker in her kitchen, the Art of Meal.

At the same time, Ginger also documented Victor’s one-of-a-kind story on a Facebook page called This is Victor. Unsurprisingly, Victor’s page was shared by more than thousands of people all over the world, and soon enough, his page went viral. Netizens cannot help but feel for Victor and admire Ginger’s kindness, sending messages of respect and support

Ginger’s act of kindness touched other people of the community as well. Hand in hand, they joined in on the mission to help Victor live a better life. Some of them donated clothes and personal supplies. Some helped Victor be set up with a needed doctor’s appointment and eye test.

People started showing that they care for Victor, and Victor was able to gain weight. In addition, he was also able to get a prescription glasses, now he can see the world clearly! Ginger was also able to raise more than $16,000 of donation for Victor through a GoFundMe page she created for him.

After Victor’s story got a lot of attention around the world, Ginger was able to connect with Victor’s uncle, and he was able to be reunited with the mother he has been longing for!

“She came around and she kind of saved me,” Victor shared in an interview, thankful for the gift of Ginger. “It’s like grace.”

Truly, the world would be a more beautiful place, if only we would care enough and be compassionate to our neighbors. Look around you, talk to a stranger, struck a conversation, their story will definitely surprise you.

Watch the touching video below and witness how a kind and caring woman changed the life of a homeless man for the better.

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