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Woman Leaves Disabled Dog Without Front Legs on the Roadside and Drives Away Quickly

In Brazil, a shocking incident of animal abuse has stirred public outrage. A woman heartlessly abandoned her disabled dog on the side of the road before speeding away. The incident, captured on surveillance video, quickly went viral.

The video shows the woman arriving in a white car in São Leopoldo, Port Alegre. She opens the back door, out hops a black dog, and roughly places a white dog on the pavement.

She then instructs the black dog to get back into the car. Meanwhile, with deformed front legs, the white dog attempts to return to the car. Despite his efforts, the woman pushes him away, causing the poor creature to fall.

(Image: YOUTUBE/Jornal VS)

The woman drives away, leaving the disabled dog struggling to follow. As it happened, she had left the dog near her husband’s office. The husband later came across the dog and took him to the Secretariat of Animal Protection (Sempa).

Shockingly, the dog, named Tintin, was abandoned twice in one day by his owners. The man claimed he found Tintin on the street, conveniently omitting that Tintin was his pet.

Image credits: Prefeitura de São Leopoldo

Ana Paula Scherer, who also owns a dog without front legs named Berlin, shared the video on her Facebook page. The video, viewed by over 13 million people, led to widespread demands for severe punishment for the woman.

Anderson Ribeiro, the Secretary of Sempa, reassured the public that Tintin’s future adopters would undergo thorough checks. He affirmed that they would take their time finding the perfect family for Tintin.

Image credits: Prefeitura de São Leopoldo

Ribeiro explained that due to Tintin’s condition, the adopter’s house should have smooth, tiled floors, without any cracks or grooves that could harm his neck. They seek a conscious adoption of Tintin.

The shelter hopes this incident will raise awareness about special needs dogs. They revealed that over 60 such dogs are currently waiting for their forever homes.

Image credits: Prefeitura de São Leopoldo

The police investigation is ongoing, with witnesses being sought for testimonies. The penalty for animal abuse in Brazil can include jail time and fines. The incident serves as a reminder that abandoning pets is never a solution. If unable to care for a pet, owners should take them to a local shelter, where they can find a loving home.

Watch the heartbreaking moment in the video below.

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