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Heart Finds Love in the Last Days of His Life During a Final Trip to the Sea

Some pet owners love their animals unconditionally, while others adopt them as entertainment and dispose of them when they grow old and weak. Unfortunately, the latter group still exists in today’s world.

Heart, a senior German Shepherd, once belonged to a family he thought loved him until they abandoned him in their old house with a broken heart and several health issues when they moved away. Gianna Serena Manfredi and other volunteers at the Qua La Zampa Association found him near Bitonto, Bari, Italy, and named him “Heart.”

Cuore Husky Rescue

Despite his health problems with his ears, spine, and hind legs, Heart was a true warrior, still managing to move around on his own. Gianna and some other women had formed a group named “The Remote Mothers” to take turns looking after the luckless dog.

Heart found true love in his last days, making the most of every moment thanks to “The Remote Mothers.” However, Heart could only stay with them for one year.

Cuore Husky Rescue

When Heart’s time was about to come to an end, Gianna decided to accompany him on his journey to the sea, and it was nothing short of incredible.

Finally, Heart passed away peacefully, knowing that he was loved and cherished. Although it was sad when he passed, at least he went to a better world where he would never be neglected.

Cuore Husky Rescue

Let Heart’s story inspire you to treat your furry friends with the love and care they deserve. Please share this moving story with the people you know to spread awareness and love for animals.

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