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Ashley Gabrielle Huff Jailed After US Police Confuse Spaghetti for Crystal Meth

Ashley Gabrielle Huff, a woman from the state of Georgia in the US, was jailed for one month after police officers confused spaghetti they found on her spoon for crystal meth.

The bizarre sequence of events started in July 2014, when Huff was pulled over by police in Gainesville, Florida.

During the routine search, officers were alerted to a spoon with a dried substance on it and concluded it was the highly addictive drug crystal meth, despite pleas from the 23-year-old that it was residue from canned pasta meal SpaghettiOs.


Police in America thought SpaghettiOs residue was crystal meth Campbells

She was charged with possession of methamphetamine and spent two days in jail while investigators analysed the substance. The charge was eventually dropped.

However, she was also supposed to attend drug counselling, and when she failed to appear at the arranged meetings, Huff was again jailed on 2 August and, unable to pay bail, remained there until 18 September.

“I think she said it had been SpaghettiOs,” Hall County assistant public defender Chris van Rossem said.

“She’s maintained all along that there’s no way in hell that’s any sort of drug residue or anything like that.”

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