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Cops Caught Black Inmate Who Crawls Past Jail Guard to Rape Female Detainee

Arizona revealed that an inmate named Justin Avery, who was in custody for allegedly attacking multiple women, managed to sneak past a deputy at an intake facility and attempted to sexually assault another woman.

Avery, a 29-year-old repeat sexual predator, had been arrested outside of Arizona State University (ASU) library, despite having no connection to the campus. He was accused of targeting women at random, mostly in parking garages, and gropping them. One victim reported that Avery tried to strangle her, leading her to kick him in the groin to escape. Avery had appeared before an Arizona judge and was charged with sexually assaulting two people, yet he was released on bond the next day.

The incident in question occurred a few days later at the intake transfer and release facility near the jail. The room was divided into two sections, one for women and another for men, with a deputy’s desk at the dividing line to keep watch. Around 4 a.m., while many detainees were trying to sleep, Avery allegedly crawled past the deputy to reach the women’s section and attempted to assault another woman.

Avery reportedly waited for the deputy to leave the room before making his move. He slid out of view and approached the woman, who was trying to sleep on the floor. Court documents state that the woman shouted for him to get off of her, to which Avery allegedly shushed her. When the deputy returned, he found Avery standing up and pulling up his pants. Avery later admitted that he had planned to rape the woman. The lack of restraints on Avery, the close proximity of male and female prisoners, and the actions of the deputy in the room. They also question why Avery was not properly segregated from female prisoners given his history. The speaker calls for accountability and consequences for both the correctional officer and the institution.

Avery reportedly saw an opportunity when the guard was not paying attention and acted on it, despite the potential risks of being caught and sent to segregation. The incident is described as incredibly nefarious and speaks to the need for stricter protocols and confinement for certain individuals, such as Avery, who have a history of criminal behavior and pose a threat to others. Avery was charged with attempt to commit sexual assault and aggravated assault on a Corrections employee, and his case has been continued several times. He previously had convictions for shoplifting and disorderly conduct.

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