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Father Finds Son Kneeling, Looks Up, Is Shocked

Father find son kneeling, looks up, is shocked. Adam was their first born. He’d arrived in their lives after seven long years of anxious waiting, exhausting medical treatments, and moments sense of sheer frustration. When the couple wanted to give up on their wish of having children. When they became completely hopeless, they got this amazing news that they’re going to be parents.

It was the best moment of their lives. They couldn’t wait for their bundle of joy to arrive in this world. Adam was undoubtedly the center of attention for George and Lisa. Right from the moment he was born, their lives started revolving around him only he was a healthy baby who ate and slept well and fell sick fewer times than other infants of his age group. George and Lisa didn’t have to spend too many sleepless nights except a few during the first two weeks.

His bedtime routine got fixed very soon. And both parents were relieved after that. They were enjoying every moment of their long awaited Parenthood with their newborn, and. Their hearts were filled with gratitude for. This content, healthy, happy bundle of joy that came to brighten up their lives after waiting for years. As months passed, they could see their son growing naughtier by the day and this made them overjoyed.

They used to laugh for hours at. Every little thing Adam did. Lisa did manage to set up a camera and a tripod in his room to capture some of those happy moments with her son. Adam was an Explorer, and at the age of six months he could barely sit in his baby chair. He used to keenly observe the toys kept in front of him instead of playing with them.

When he learned how to hold a rattle toy, he keenly observed it as if trying to figure out the source of the sound coming from the toy instead of enjoying the bright colors or the sound the toy made. By the time he was one his favorite. Among all his toys were wheeled objects. All sorts of toy cars. Bikes or bicycles were his favorites. He used to hold dinky cars upside.

Down after pushing them to observe how the wheels moved. He loved the fan because apparently that moved like a wheel in circular motions. Adam was an ideal baby, and his. Parents thought of themselves as ideal parents. To a one year old, everything felt so picture perfect in their family life. And then Adam started walking all their. Dreams to a peaceful family life shattered in no time. According to George, Adam was the fastest.

Walking entity to have ever existed. He made quiet, quick, and effortlessly Swift movements to invade all the places in the house he wasn’t supposed to enter. It became really tiring for George and Lisa to monitor at him. They couldn’t imagine leaving him alone even for a few seconds as they learned this lesson the hard way.

Once George was at work and Lisa was busy doing daily chores while trying her best to keep Adam engaged with his toys. As she cleaned the living room, she gave Adam all his favorite toys so he could sit there as she vacuum cleaned the area. Moments later, her phone rang and she rushed to get her phone from the kitchen counter. It hardly took her about 30 seconds to come back to her phone, only to see that the little human had.

Left his toys right where they were. And managed to open the vacuum cleaner’s dust bag, spreading the dirt all over the place and himself. The young Explorer was happy at the. Discovery of something so precious. Another time, Adam the Explorer opened and sat inside the mini beverage refrigerator while. His dad took the trolley towards their.

Car and his mom momentarily left his hand to take her credit card out of his wallet. At the billing counter of a grocery store, Adam had just turned two and a half his tiny talks amused his parents. It was a nice Sunday morning and the little family just had a nice breakfast. They didn’t have any specific plans for the day and thought to spend the day relaxing at home.

Lisa decided to prepare some special food. For lunch and headed to the kitchen, leaving George in charge of little Adam. George was having a good time with his son when the doorbell rang. It was his colleague who quickly dropped. By to give him some work related documents. A minute later, when George entered the. Living room, he saw Adam kneeling behind the sofa just near the window. When George went closer, Adam looked up and George couldn’t believe what he saw.

The tiny human had opened a black. Paint can that George had kept only yesterday behind the sofa to paint the wall around the window. In such unbelievably short period of time, the little human had not only opened the can, but managed to dip his hand in the can and painted the. Walls, the sofa, the floor, his face.

Feet, and his clothes in some abstract design. He looked immensely happy at his achievement and clapped his painted hands. The next three days were spent consulting a pediatrician to prescribe baby safe products, to get rid of the paint from Adam’s body, and some major cleaning in the living room. Adam was growing up. His parents loved him even more with each passing day.

All the messy would create in the name of naughtiness would only bring wider smiles on his parents faces. He was now a schoolboy. His teachers loved him for his caliber but disliked him for the naughty, sometimes unacceptable behavior with his classmates. His teachers called his parents a couple. Of times when he hit his classmate or when he stole another classmate’s homework diary, but somehow he used to get.

Away with all his behavioral issues, always. Covering them up with excellent grades. George and Lisa thought of it as common behavioral issues of growing age. This is where they were wrong. They failed to realize that what might seem like a negligible behavior issue of their precious only son might become a huge problem at a later stage.

Adam had no siblings, so despite the fact that he was now 15 years old, he was still considered and treated like a preschool kid by his parents. He wasn’t taught how to respond to disagreements or handle criticism of any kind. He made sure he was heard and couldn’t take no for an answer. Once, Adam usually asked his father for money other than his pocket money in the name of school projects, and George, out of the love of his son, never denied him.

Once Adam asked his father for a hefty sum of money for a school project, George could tell by the amount that something wasn’t right. He promised to arrange money in a couple of days, only to think of a suitable way to communicate to the school authorities that this is getting harder and harder to arrange money outside of.

Tuition, fees and other expenses to pay for projects. This frequently. When he contacted the school the next. Day, he couldn’t believe what he had heard. The school informed him that there were no ongoing projects for Adams class except the one they had already paid for. With their tuition dues at the start.

Of the academic year, and that they always informed parents beforehand when initiating a new project. He went to Adam’s school right away to discuss the issue with his teachers and close friends without bringing any of it into Adam’s knowledge. What he heard there was enough to shake him badly. He had a bad company and was apparently spending the amount on drugs. This was a huge shock for George. He couldn’t move for quite some time.

Then finally he decided to keep it to himself for some time before confronting Adam or even telling Lisa about it. He wanted to deal with this immensely serious issue very tactfully. He didn’t want his son to become rebellious and make things even worse. Two days had gone by like this. Adam came to his father to ask for the money he’d previously requested. George was stunned at the audacity of his teenage son lying so effortlessly to his face.

He angrily sent him away by saying he’ll arrange the amount and let him know. The next day, George came home earlier than usual to finally discuss the matter with his wife and find a solution to bring their dear son back on track.

One wrong move could cause their relationship with their only son irreparable damage. On his way home, he thought about his life after Adam was born and all the moments spent with him played like a movie reel in front of his eyes, but he was unable to figure out what went wrong. He thought of himself and Lisa’s perfect, friendly parents who had a strong bond with their son.

He entered the house with these thoughts and the moment he stepped in his room, he saw Adam kneeling over something. When Adam looked up, his face showed clear expressions of anxiety and fear. He was trying to break open the safe that George had in his room for cash and important documents. A week later, George heard a knock.

On his bedroom door. It was Adam. His rough and untidy appearance and swollen eyes showed that the boy hadn’t slept well and cried in the past few days. There was silence between them. Just silence. He stood near the study table and apologized in the most genuine, heartfelt words. He said that he had realized early on that his parents loved him immensely. They never said no to him and that his grades always made up for his mischief. That’s where he fell into the trap of bad company. And despite feeling guilty for his parents.

Who trusted him like anything, he couldn’t seem to escape the trouble. Parenthood is one of the best experiences this life has to offer, but at the same time, it comes with challenges each new day, parents have to be very tactful to deal with each stage in their children’s life.

George and Lisa should have kept a check on his bad behavior on his school life to avoid what happened, but Thankfully, George was able to take control of the situation at a later stage in the most thoughtful way before things went out of hand. Had George snubbed or insulted him the day he caught him stealing money, Things would have gotten way worse. But his silent treatment towards Adam did the trick and Luckily, Adam realized his.

Mistake before it was too late. As said earlier, Parenthood has its own challenges and difficulties. Raising kids is a wonderful experience for every parent, but at the same time, it’s very demanding. As parents, you have to be very careful because your kid’s life and future depends on your decision and action. So always be very careful how you.

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