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He saw his mother bury something in the garden, 30 years later he digs it up and can’t stop crying

Life is full of surprises, and it’s not easy at all, except the fact that life is really UN, uncertain, and unpredictable. You never know what the future holds. You never know what God has decided for you. Things that you always need to keep in mind is to live in the present. Don’t overthink about your past or future.

Everything that has to happen will happen eventually. Never take anything for granted, especially your loved ones. He watched his mother bury something in the garden, and 30 years later he discovers what it is and he can’t stop crying. Maxim is a five year old boy who lived in a family as normal as any other was. They weren’t rich.

On the other hand, his parents owed the banks insignificant sums of money and had jobs that they hated but which were the only thing that kept them afloat and allowed them to give their son a decent life. Day by day, they went through the same crossroads as everyone else, through the same small anguish and the same great anguish, and so life was passing them by in an attempt to survive, with no time left for anything but to continue trying to keep themselves without hunger and with a roof over their heads.

Maximum at his young age, knew that his parents weren’t happy, that together they spent some good times that then vanished in the midst of daily worries. In addition to his infinite innocence as a child, when he saw an abandoned kitten near his house, he thought that this was what everybody needed to be happy. A Pet The boy had long dreamed of a kitten, and when he saw one so close and without an owner, he didn’t hesitate to take it home.

When his parents came home from work, they were met with a surprise with blankets and a box. Maxim had already improvised a little house for his new pet and hoped that his parents reaction will be happy, as was his own. However, his parents faces did not show any emotion. They simply spoke quickly away from their son, and when they returned, they told him that he would have to take complete charge of the cat if he wanted to keep her because they were not going to clean up after her. And if he made the slightest mess, he’d leave the house.

Maxim promised that he would take care of her, and although at that moment he didn’t know what he was feeling, he felt sorry for his parents because they didn’t give themselves the opportunity to love such a Noble being as this cat. For the next few days, they barely looked at the poor cat, even though he jumped with excitement when he saw them coming every day. It took several weeks before his parents stopped ignoring Sally the cat. It wasn’t easy for her to win the hearts of two people who had forced each other to hide their emotions all their lives. But Sally had finally succeeded.

Now they talk to her affectionately and padded her whenever she was near. Magnum was happy that his parents finally accepted her. He knew it would do them a lot of good. Now Sally was part of the family too, and Maxim’s parents began to treat hers as such. Every time they arrived, she was the center of attention and for the first time you could tell that despite everything, they were a happy family.

Sarah’s tenderness and unconditional love was slowly healing their burdened hearts. But she had not yet been with the family for a year. When Sally became ill, she began to walk and eat more slowly until she stopped eating altogether. When Maxim’s parents took her to the vet, they told him to do whatever it took, not to worry about the cost, but not to let the cat die. However, the first diagnosis made all the others redundant.

Sally had a deadly brain tumor that would kill her. They were unable to tell maximum the truth when they returned. They simply told him that the cat was suffering from stress and depression and that only by living in the open rescue shelter could she recover. And although it hurt them a lot to part with her, the best thing to do was to take him to a rescue shelter with his family and let them take care of him there so she could recover. And Maxim believed them.

He said goodbye to Sally, promising to visit her whenever he could and wishing her happiness. Maxim’s parents were crying, but the boy thought it was because they were also hurt that the cat was leaving for a rescue shelter when they had grown so fond of him. However, they were actually crying because that very day Sally would not be going to the farm, but to the vet to receive the injection that would allow her to rest in peace from all the pain she was feeling. They were crying because their son couldn’t know the truth without it breaking his heart into 1000 pieces. Now at least she was left with the hopes of seeing him in agony again someday.

After that event, only a week later, Maxim was already insisting that his parents go to visit Sally. For several weeks they made all sorts of excuses not to go until they didn’t know what else to tell him. Then they asked a friend to let them visit his farm and let him lie. They needed to tell the boy when he got there that Sally had escaped and they didn’t know where she was. When the boy was told that his cat had escaped, his first thought was that she was trying to get home.

So he rushed his parents back because maybe Sally would be there waiting for them. Maxim’s parents felt a lot of pain and shame for the way they were deceiving their son, but they were not able to tell them the truth. They knew that Sally was not going to be waiting for them at home. They knew she was never coming back, and they let Maximum hold on to the hope of seeing his cat return someday. And so the months passed, and so did the years.

Maxim grew up and made his life, made his home, and had a son. He made many things to think about, but he never forgot Sally. One day, 30 years after the last time he had seen his beloved pet cat, an image came to his mind that he’d never given importance to and had completely forgotten the image of his mother digging a hole with a shovel in the garden and then covering it up again without anyone knowing what she’d put there. Maximum remembered. At the time, he had thought she was planting a plant and had not given it any importance, but only now he realized that nothing had ever been born in that place.

And for the first time in his whole life, he suspected what his parents had told him about Sally in his native home. Now only his father lived. His mother had died years before, and when he saw Maximum arrived, he suddenly knew immediately that he’d figured it out and let him do what he thought. Without hesitation, Maxim began to dig in the place he remembered, and it wasn’t long before he found a wooden box, the box in which Sally’s bones lay.

Despite all the time that had passed, maximum sat down next to the bones and cried, as he would have cried when he was five years old if he had learned then he cried there for so long that his father had no choice but to come out and finally face the truth that he and his wife had run away from so much.

Nevertheless, to his surprise, Maxim was not angry with them. He told his father that he was hurt to have found out so long after the fact, but that he understood their reasons that had motivated them to hide the truth. He only wished he had realized it many years before so that he could close that stage definitively and be left with only beautiful memories.

And so he finally said goodbye to Sally, buried her again, hugged his father, and went home, determined to let his son finally had the pet he had asked for so much. Another shocking surprise in garden, Russian citizen Lucasmitri discovered some buried treasure from the Second World War at his summer cottage in Bush Kungai, the location of Dimitri’s summer home in Bush Kungai.

Kurzakstan was once part of Soviet Russia, which explains what a metal chest was doing buried on his property. When Dimitri shovel first hit the box, you must have assumed it was just a rock. But a little digging revealed the treasure chest in all its glory. A few minutes after he started digging a cesspool for his outdoor toilet. The shovel hit something metallic which turned out to be an army field blocker of the Third Reich.

The box was lifted to the surface. It was not very heavy, but judging by the sounds, There was something inside clattering while the box was being pulled out of the hole. It was difficult to describe all the feelings when we saw this kind of message from the last century. Taken into the light, the box has been open. Using the materials at hand.

The contents of the box appeared to be the baggage parcel of 1944 to 1945, which is laying on the ground for at least 60 years. The box lid was tightly insulated with a rubber seal So the contents of the parcel were almost unaffected by moisture in the photo. Glasses in a light case with mask and brieal inscription were in the center. A folded vanity case with toiletries in the pockets can be seen at the top. There were also gloves, sweater, removable collars, braces, Socks with footbindings dust masks and clothes brush.

In the box, a stock of fabric and leather for repairs was found in a large bag Tied with twine at the bottom. There was also some chemical granules with a pretty much preserved smell Scattered among the things, probably to preserve them from monks. At the bottom of the box, the Wermacht officer’s jacket in excellent condition.

The catechism symbol with two snakes wound around the stick of Hermes Is the symbol of a doctor. The blue line around the epilent of the collar Is the Warren Farb over the medical branch of the here two stars on the appetite was worn by both Hoopman captains and OBERD rebels, master Sergeant, but in different styles.

The style of the Apple Ed itself made up of eight parallel lines of cloth as well as the style of the collar insignia matches that of a Houtman. So it’s the uniform for a doctor of medicine and the core of medicine with the rank of Houtman or captain. In the pockets of the jacket, a replacement patch of the armed forces and a metal badge were found. Soldier’s hat with badges of rank, a cap winter hat. The red card is apparently an identification card.

No better quality picture is available to correctly identify the person. This and the blue card Are believed to be military passes. Used to get through checkpoints also present Reichmarks German currency between 1924 as well as military passes. To get through frontline checkpoints, one bill with a nominal value of five brake marks, a box of cigars and two bottles of rum.

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