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If acting didn’t work out, Courteney Cox Had an Unexpected Plan B

Some of our favorite actors, singers, dancers, and red carpet models are hard to image doing anything else acting, singing, dancing, and posing. But it goes without saying that most A-listers have a plan B in case the whole “becoming a megastar” thing didn’t work out in a business as volatile and unpredictable as Hollywood.

It’s difficult to picture some of our favorite stars doing anything other singing, dancing, acting, and posing on the red carpet. But, it goes without saying that the majority of A-listers have a backup plan in case the whole “becoming a megastar” thing didn’t work out in a business as volatile and unpredictably as Hollywood.

Hence, even though we have grown accustomed to seeing celebrities like Justin Bieber, Harry Styles, Jennifer Aniston, Kim Kardashian, and others everywhere, they all had other aspirations (or at least backup occupations) besides becoming famous in Hollywood. You’ll be surprised by the professions that your favorite celebrities might have chosen if they hadn’t been famous, including designing buildings, selling pools, and even going into space. Check out the occupations that famous people actually held before they got famous (some of them are hard to believe!) after continuing to read to learn about them all.

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