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In the midst of anti-conscription demonstrations in Russian cities, Putin has sought refuge in his private palace in a forest, according to the story

Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, is said to have a secret residence. WikiLeaks in Russian, Getty Images

According to a story, Vladimir Putin has escaped to his private castle amid rallies against conscription in Russia.

724 people were detained on Saturday across 32 different cities, according to OVD-Info.

According to a writer who cited three sources, Putin wants to remain inside the palace until at least Thursday.

In the midst of demonstrations against conscription in Russia, Russian President Vladimir Putin retreated to his hidden residence close to Gelendzhik, near the Black Sea coast, as first reported by MailOnline.Putin visited his vacation property on Wednesday, according to independent journalist Farida Rusamova, who cited three sources acquainted with his itinerary.

Rusamova claimed in a Telegram post that Putin took advantage of the palace’s amenities while taking “body and soul” naps there, despite his official denials to ownership.

a photo of Vladimir Putin’s allegedly secret palace’s bedroom. FBK

The hundreds of images that Alexei Navalny’s supporters claim reveal the interior of the opulent building have been made public by the activist’s incarcerated in Russia. Navalny claimed in a statement from last year that the palace’s grounds include an ice rink, a port, a chapel, a no-fly zone, a wine cave, a theater, a gym, a pool, and other amenities.a photo allegedly taken at Vladimir Putin’s hidden castle. FBK

According to the anti-corruption foundation, money for its operations came from a scheme in which Putin’s closest circle paid the president in exchange for access and power. This is denied by the Kremlin.

Putin, according to Rusamova, intends to remain in the palace at least through next Thursday. In order to try to disguise his absence from the public, the journalist further alleged that the president filmed many videos of meetings, which Russian state media planned to disseminate intermittently over the week.

Rusamova claimed that on the day a video showing Putin announcing a partial military mobilization on Wednesday was made public, he was departing for his mansion.Widespread protests erupted across Russia after Putin announced that 300,000 reservists would be ordered into the country’s war against Ukraine.

Police officers detain a protester during the unauthorized rally in Moscow, Russia, September 24, 2022. Contributor/Getty Images

Hundreds of Russians, including girls as young as 14, were reportedly arrested while taking part in the unauthorized rallies, which are banned under Russian law. According to OVD-Info, 724 people were arrested in 32 different cities on Saturday, according to BBC News.

The protests took place in cities including Moscow, St Petersburg, Tomsk and Omsk, Sky News reported.

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