Most Himalayan Dirt Salt is ground far coarser than table salt. That’s the difference. Other than the dirt, which is why one type of NaCl is colorful and the other type of NaCl is white. Dirt vs no dirt.
Minerals? Sample after sample of Dirt Salt has been laboratory tested and NONE of the mineral elements detected are present in any beneficial quantities. A person would have to eat a fatal dose of Dirt Salt to ingest enough of any mineral for it to be beneficial. Also, what about the radioactive and toxic minerals also detected? Mercury, arsenic, lead, and thallium, along with radioactive elements: radium, uranium, polonium, and plutonium have all been identified in Himalayan Pink Salt. Aren’t you lucky that all of those quantities are so small too?
“We use less.” Bull-pucky. You visually don’t see a few hundred tiny specs of white salt because just a few giant boulders of Dirt Salt, if weighed, are the same amount of NaCl, but you’re feeling better because of the misperception. <eyeroll>
“It tastes better.” You already paid $10 for a tiny bottle of that shit. You had better tell yourself it tastes better. I just bought a 25 kg sack of high-purity white salt for food processing for way less than $10.
“It’s less processed.” You bet it is. They’ve left all of the dirt, mining machine oils, exhalate from all of the tourists that visit the mine, all of the pollution in the air that is pumped into the mine so that the miners can breathe, and all of the pathogens blowing around Pakistan as the salt is moved in open trucks (trucks that were probably used to move cattle last week.) Did I forget diesel fumes from the streets?