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Mom Delivers Baby, But 6 Weeks Later Doctors Find His Deadly Unborn ‘Twin’ Hidden Inside

Mother’s Difficult Childbirth Results in Unexpected Tragedy.

Extreme Trends presents “Mom Delivers a Baby, but Six Weeks Later Doctors Find His Deadly Unborn Twin Hidden Inside.” Nine months worth of planning and waiting have come to fruition, and nothing equals the moment when a newborn child is placed in a mother’s arms for the first time. Unfortunately, childbirth can pose dangers for some women, including complications during birth and afterward.

This is a tragic story about one mother who hoped to celebrate the birth of her child but ended up fighting for her own life instead. Liane Crowley of Orpington, Kent, was 38 years old and expecting the birth of her fourth child in December of 2016. But from the start, the birth of baby Louie proved harrowing and difficult. Even though all the baby’s scans were normal, Louie was born grey and lifeless, and he had suffered significant blood loss, around 80%. Leann stated that Louie had to be resuscitated, and it took doctors quite a time to bring him around.

Newborn Baby Battles for Life After Bleeding Through Mother During Pregnancy

His brain had missed a lot of oxygen, and his body was shutting down. Doctors believed that the baby had bled through his mother, and they didn’t realize it at the time. The baby was immediately taken to an intensive care and antenatal unit. He spent the next three weeks there, clinging to life, while the devastated LeAnn waited at his side. Louie’s organs had begun to shut down, and he was placed in an induced coma.

Blood transfusions were given to the child to replace what he had lost. After being placed on life support, Louie was moved into a cooling machine and then an incubator. It looked like he might have turned the corner and would make a recovery. But another three weeks later, it was Leanne who was rushed to the hospital for another child. She didn’t know she was carrying two days after she brought Louie home. Leanne was taken to the hospital for heavy bleeding. Doctors removed what they thought was part of Louie’s placenta and sent Leanne back home.

Woman discovers she was carrying twins during molar pregnancy, one twin had rare cancer

But the heavy bleeding continued, and Leanne became fearful of what was happening. Her partner took her back to the hospital, where a second operation revealed that Leanne had, in fact, been carrying twins. Leanne had a molar pregnancy, where one fetus hides a second fetus behind it.A molar pregnancy occurs when a non-viable fertilized egg is planted into the uterus. Whereas Leeanne thought she was pregnant with one child, she had been pregnant with twins.

Sadly, the twin was not viable, and LeAnn underwent surgery to have the mass of cells removed. The twin was the size of a three-month-old fetus. It is rare for twins to be conceived in this fashion, with one child developed fully and surviving, but Louie beat the odds. Then the beleaguered LeAnn received even worse news. The second twin had left behind a rare and fast-moving cancer. About half of women with a molar pregnancy develop a womb cancer called choriocarcinoma due to the growth of abnormal cells during gestation.

Leanne’s Battle with Cancer: A Story of Perseverance and Hope.

The disease had already begun to spread throughout Leanne’s body rapidly. When she wanted to be home with her newborn son, LeAnn instead was in the hospital. The cancer spread to her lungs, and she went through 20 blood transfusions and five months of intensive chemotherapy. Leanne’s family began to worry that she would not make it.

She nearly passed away when a blood clot developed in her lung. For a time, Leanne’s life hung by a thin thread, but LeAnn was a fighter, and she wasn’t about to leave her children behind. After the chemotherapy and transfusions, the loss of her hair and energy, she still fought to overcome the cancer. Today, LeAnn is in remission, but she is still trying to find her balance in life again. Part of that means coming to terms with what could have been her own death. “Louise’s twin nearly killed us both,” LeAnn said. “When I fell pregnant, I never thought that would be the outcome.

Surviving Cancer: A Mother’s Journey to Recovery and Resilience

The whole experience nearly destroyed us all, but I had so much support from my friends and family.I wouldn’t wish this experience on anyone, but obviously, I would take it all again if it was a choice between me and Louis.” LeAnn continues to improve her fitness slowly. Her body has taken some time to recover from all that she’s been through.

With time and healing, she hopes to be able to take walks with her family and play with her children in the yard again. Thankfully, LeAnn was able to beat the cancer and return home to her family, but it was a close call. Sometimes nature appears in mysterious ways, and what should have been a joyous moment for a new mother almost resulted in the death of both mother and infant. We can learn from LeAnn to never give up and continue to fight even when the odds are against you.

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