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Trump Blasts DA Fani Willis as ‘Zero Credible’ Amidst Shocking Grand Jury Revelations!

Trump lashes out at Fani Willis, calling her “zero credible,” as a special grand jury investigation reveals additional charges that should be considered.

Donald Trump was quick to weigh in on the matter on Friday afternoon after the publication of the Georgia special grand jury that disclosed the names of a plethora of unindicted co-conspirators that panel members decided to indict but District Attorney Fani Willis did not include in her 19-person RICO petition. The identities of the unindicted co-conspirators were revealed in the report that was released by the Georgia special grand jury.

The report included a broad variety of names, such as the current Republican senator for the state of South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, as well as former Republican senators from the state of Georgia, Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, both of whom had lost their seats in the midterm elections of 2022.

Regardless of the information that was found in the investigation, the former president used the platform that he has at Truth Social to assert his innocence and accuse DA Willis of having “no credibility.”

“The Georgia Grand Jury report has just been released,” said the former president, who has already been indicted in separate cases in Florida, Washington, D.C., and Manhattan. It has ZERO credibility and seriously taints Fani Willis as well as this entire political Witch Hunt.

He went on to say, “In essence, they wanted to indict anybody who was alive at the time.” It completely destroys the credibility of the conclusions and does a severe blow to the Great State of Georgia, whose people are great and patriotic but are not pleased with this charade of an out of control “prosecutor” doing the work of, and for, the Department of Justice. “ELECTION INTERFERENCE!”

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