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Vet Spots Animals Acting Strange During Field Trip – He Says : “This Isn’t Good, We Should Run”

A group of people are on an excursion in a forest when they notice unusual behavior from the animals. A vet among them realizes the animals are in distress and urges the group to leave, but no one listens. Mark, who also recognizes the signs, tries to convince everyone to leave, but some refuse to believe it’s dangerous. As chaos ensues, Mark manages to get everyone’s attention and they start to panic. Mark leads the group back towards where they came from, but not everyone follows. As they walk, it starts to rain heavily, making their escape more difficult. The group relies on Mark’s expertise to navigate the forest and they eventually find shelter in an old cabin. There, they hear news of peculiar animal behavior and other unsettling occurrences on the radio, which rallies the group behind Mark’s instincts. Mark proposes a plan to split the group, with one team heading to warn those camped at the mountain base and the other making their way to town.

This Isn’t Good, We Should Run”” Mark and his team emerge from the forest to find signs of civilization and urgently gather the town’s people for evacuation due to strange animal behavior and earthquakes. The town’s leaders acknowledge the gravity of the situation, and families begin preparing to leave. Mark’s team sets out to save those still on the mountain, and the town buzzes with activity as everyone plays their part in bracing for what’s to come. In the council room, Mark and local authorities discuss observations of animals acting bizarrely, and the town’s atmosphere becomes thick with anxiety as tremors grow more frequent and intense. A particularly strong tremor shakes the town, causing damage and panic, but the human spirit remains undeterred as people focus on recovery.

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