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Woman woke up in a closed retirement home, her daughter-in-law missed one little detail!

She lived in a flat and woke up in a closed retirement home. The daughter-in-law had thought of everything except one thing: nadesda sergina opened her eyes and groaned in pain, her head ached, as if it had been beaten with a frying pan all night with difficulty lifting her head, the elderly woman looked around strange. Why was she in this unfamiliar room? Everything looked like a hospital ward, except for the bars on the windows, had a little more furniture. She grimaced again in excruciating pain and closed her eyes.

Nadesda resolutely refused to think at least let the pain ease a little after a while it eased a little elderly women gained strength and with difficulty set up in bed. Where was she what had happened to her? Why didn’t she remember anything? She tensed up a little and began to remember recent events. Nadezda lived alone in a large two-room flat in the center of the city, which her late husband, who held a high position in the ministry, had received her.

Only son pasha moved out of his mother’s home. Long ago, as soon as he got married, it wasn’t because his mother kicked him out or didn’t want the young ones to live with her. It just happened that way, also if you have not done so already, please subscribe to our channel and click that notification bell to get inspired by these real life stories. Every day now, back to the story, nadezda could not find a common language with her daughter-in-law. She did not feel at ease with her son’s chosen one.

This was not how she imagined pasha’s wife, the woman understood that her son’s family life was his choice. His own business and she did not criticize – did not make remarks, but irina asha’s wife felt her mother-in-law’s dislike and responded in the same way. Even in the first days after the wedding, nadezda warned pavel irina. I want to make it clear at once my house, my rules, i don’t interfere in your life and you and mine, you have your own room, do what you like, but other than that, please no new developments. I want to spend the rest of my life the way i used to wait until i’m gone, then redecorate as you like.

This conversation took place when irina wanted to throw out all the furniture and buy new ones and rearrange everywhere. In addition, nades that did not like the fact that her daughter-in-law wanted to throw away all the books lovingly collected for decades and which were so precious to her look pavel nedesda. All the walls are full of shelves and there are books everywhere. How much dust do they collect? What if we have a baby, will he breathe it all in no way we should throw it away or give it away ira.

The books will stay where they are. If you don’t like it dust them off, and if you don’t want it, that’s your choice: you can live somewhere else you’re already both working get your own flat after a few. Such conversations pavel could not stand the difficult situation in the house rented the place and moved there with his wife pavel was a kind and good boy, often visiting her, bringing her medicine in groceries on weekends. He would drop in just to sit and chat and share the news on one such visit pavel informed her that irena was pregnant, and now there would be more expenses mom can’t you two make up already. Why do you always fight your grandson is about to be born?

Your help will come in handy, i don’t mind son, but your ira doesn’t want to get along with me. I do everything wrong. I don’t cook right. I don’t talk right and the last time you came together. Do you remember what she did?

She said it’s time for you to write your will. Nadesda, you don’t know how long you have left. What kind of disrespect is that basha she’s got a calculator instead of eyes everything she’s looking at she’s already estimating? How will we live together? Okay, mom, don’t get upset we’ll figure something out pavel hugged his mother.

This went on until one day nadesda met an older man, semyon semyonovich, a retired military retiree. During a walk they got to talking and found their thoughts and views very much in common. Both were single nadesda had a son and a daughter-in-law while simeon was a childless widower, they would meet more often and nedesda felt a soulmate in her new friend. They soon decided to brighten up each other’s loneliness. The elderly woman invited her son and daughter-in-law to dinner and introduce them meet basha and ira.

This is my friend simeon we’re going to get together and live together. Samia has a proposal for you samia and said i suggest you don’t waste money on renting a flat and move into my one room flat. It’S not in the center of course, but it’s on the outskirts, but nadia, and i thought it would be better for you at this point. Irina couldn’t stand it and mocked him me and the future child benefit from living in who knows where, and it is not profitable for you to move here to the center to a huge flat right, nadezda felt unbearably ashamed of her daughter-in-law. What are you talking about?

Irena simeon has wholeheartedly offered you his flat. What kind of ingratitude is that pava flashed at his wife’s words and said curtly ira hurry up? We are leaving mom simeon, forgive my wife’s antics, she’s pregnant, apparently hormones are playing up. She does not know what she’s saying they went away and the elderly people were sitting at the table for a long time upset by the unpleasant incident, but they decided to postpone the move. Nadezda grimaced, unpleasant memories again gave her a headache.

Suddenly, a menacing woman in a white coat entered the room without a word. She took the woman’s arm and checked for a pulse honey. Can you please explain to me where i am? How did i get here? Don’T you remember, yeah you’re, out of your mind what you did, how you behaved like a violent woman.

They wanted to put a straitjacket on you. What are you talking about nades that became indignant i’m in my right mind. I’Ve never behaved like you are telling me. Your neighbor is coming from the procedure and you can ask her. If you do not believe me, the woman gave her an injection and came out a few minutes later.

An elderly woman entered the room and sat down on her bed. Hello. My name is lydia demetrivna and you are nadesda right. Yes, nedesda answered confusedly lydia dimitria. Please tell me what’s going on.

How did i come to be here like all of us, by the careful efforts of our relatives? Lydia smiled, do you want me to guess you must have a good house and some savings right? Yes, nadezhda nodded, but my son could not do that. He loves me. We all thought so lydia shrugged, but then we ended up here.

In case you haven’t been told, this is a closed residential home in simple terms, a home for the elderly, and there is no way out of here even visit. Rarely, how the elderly woman looked at the latisse windows in a daze. They cannot keep us here against our will. Who should we complain to? We all have diagnosis some with senile dementia dementia, some with schizophrenia, we’re a danger to society as well as to ourselves what the hell is.

This nadezda screamed, i’m in my right mind. I feel fine, you calm down, don’t break your heart. Lydia sat down beside her and hugged her. All of us have gone through unpleasant things through indignation. You will only make things worse for yourself in the end, we all accepted it.

It is easier that way, but it’s not right that there’s that cried it shouldn’t be. Like this, my son and simeon they’ll find out and take me away, don’t get your hopes up my dear whoever put you here must have taken care of everything and cleaned up the mess. Have you been feeling all right? Lately, you haven’t had any strange attacks. Nedesta thought about it.

It was true a couple of times she fainted and it was always during the visit of her son and daughter-in-law. Then pasha said that she said something did something a couple of times. She broke something from the dishes, but she herself did not remember it. The woman suddenly distinctly remembered the pitting look of her son and the gloating triumphant look of her daughter-in-law understanding of the situation. Slowly filled nedesta.

What to do now. Lydia tiredly. She asked her neighbor. Nothing nothing yet lydia clarified. If you start to complain or behave inadequately, you will be sorry.

Have you seen cerebrus in a skirt? She came in front of me. She’S. The one to watch out for the head doctor is a monstrous and ruthless woman. I resisted at first too, but she shocked me in the shu there’s a soundproof room.

They also injected me with some horrible drugs that make you lose your life for a few days, then you’re in pain for a couple of weeks. You lie there like a plant. My god, what is the matter with people nades that is completely downcast? What to do who to turn to? I don’t want to spend the rest of my days alone behind bars.

We have to think of something. Suddenly, the woman confidently grabbed her neighbor’s hands. Lydia. Do you want to get out of here? Of course everyone does lydia nodded, i’m glad you’re, not like a vegetable willing to do anything.

I was lucky to find an ally in you, nadia i’ve been investigating for a long time. I ask something in passing. I accidentally look in the wrong place. I overhear something somewhere, i’m quiet, everyone thinks i’ve put up with it and i’m fine here. I even try to help the staff where i give out medicine where i take food.

I have a clear idea of everything. Old people come here when they disturb some of their relatives. Cerebrus gives them some kind of medicine like a hallucinogen, a relative slips, the undesirables, this stuff couple of caesars call an ambulance, usually the third or fourth time they’re brought here, and we can’t prove anything. The state of violent insanity is documented by the paramedics there’s no way of knowing, but that’s a crime. Why has no one complained to the police?

Nedesta could not bear the monstrous truth because, before you know it you’re already locked up in that damn closed retirement home and the head doctor gets a huge sum of money from satisfied relatives who got rid of unwanted old people, but don’t give up it’s not for Nothing that i’ve been rubbing my nose in for so long tomorrow. The good nurse sasha is coming in for the night shift. I become good friends with her. I help out a little now and then take out a chamber pot or change a bed she’s a good girl, an orphan but she’s, very afraid of the head doctor and she doesn’t want to lose her job. The pain is very good here tomorrow.

I’Ll arrange it with sasha and she’ll. Give me the phone number. That’S where i need you have. You called the police nedes. That became excited what police, if anyone believes you by the time they get here, we’ll be drooling and talking crazy voices we’ll be stuffed with some drugs right away.

I don’t have anyone to call my daughter’s all. I have. I know who put me there, but maybe you have someone to help. My son, pasha and simeon nadesda answered uncertainly about the sun. Do not hurry, even if he does not know the affairs of his wife, he may spill the beans.

His wife will tell the chief doctor and then all is lost who’s semia he’s a friend of mine, a retired military man. We wanted to move in just before all this trouble there. You are lydia smiled a retired military man, that’s the best. You can rely on him. You remember the number by heart smile nadia.

The next day, the friends made a plan in great detail. By evening they were waiting for sasha, a young nurse. When sasha looked into the women’s room. They rushed to her as if she were their savior sasha. Finally, quiet frightened, the girl looked around.

Don’T let me down she handed the phone with the words you have five minutes and disappeared behind the door with trembling fingers, nadesda dialed, the familiar number and after long rings, without any hope of any answer. She heard hello who is it senia? It’S me, nadya simeon, was surprised. Where are you whose number is this wait? I don’t have much time, listen to me and help us exactly one hour later there was a persistent knock at the gates of the nursing home.

The guards didn’t even have time to orientate themselves and inform the head doctor when they found themselves isolated and locked out the policemen silently entered the building and went straight to the chief doctor’s office, a satisfied simeon, followed them proudly. He found his friend’s room and entered nadia darling nedesta rushed to him. It all worked out. Of course, nadia had no idea. This was happening.

I was told that you had been ill that you had suffered several seizures, that you had been sent to a nursing home for treatment for several months. It’S just lucky that you were able to find a way out and get through to me. It’s not me. It’s! My new friend meet lydia she’d been hatching this plan for a long time.

She just didn’t have anyone to call it was the only family member who put her here nice to meet. You said simeon and lydia together the next day simeon nadezda, lydia and pavel, sat in nadesda’s kitchen and listened to the retired military man’s report. It was painful to look at pavel. He was morally crushed and as if he had aged 10 years, the man could not believe what he had found about his wife. How could ira do this to us you’re my mother, we’re about to have a baby carrying a new life under your heart and having such a black soul?

I don’t understand nadezhda stroked, her son’s hair tenderly, it’s all right! Basha everything will be forgotten so simeon. How did things develop when we left samia told everything everything turned out unexpectedly for the head doctor? She had all the records with the amount for each patient pseudo-diagnosis. This brutal woman developed her activities a long time ago.

First, she helped out through an acquaintance, then another, and then she realized what she could gain from it. Besides, she had a hedge against accusations. This heartless woman recorded all her conversations with grateful relatives so that they could not deny it and blame everything on her. It is possible that she was going to blackmail them in the future after receiving her inheritance. You can’t imagine the scale of this crime.

Several dozen old men have been victimized by their children, sibling, daughters-in-law and sons-in-law, and now they are all free and their relatives are awaiting trial led by the head doctor, samia moved in with a friend so that she was never left unattended again. They were often visited by lydia. They would sit for hours with a cup of tea chatting or watching tv. As nadezda said, the friendship that came with such terrible circumstances is one for the rest of their lives. Pavel moved into simeon’s flat irina in prison gave birth to a child, and his father took his son away to the joy of his mother.

In lydia pavel became close to sasha a nurse from the nursing home. He divorced his wife and married sasha, thanks to whom so many old people found themselves back in their homes, practically breaking free from their terrible confinement.

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