The story follows Owen Smith, a young man who grew up with a privileged lifestyle due to his wealthy parents. Owen’s demanding and selfish nature made him used to getting what he wanted without any effort.
However, when he was 22 years old, his father was arrested for corrupt deals, and all the family’s possessions, including their money, were repossessed, leaving Owen with nothing. Devastated by the loss of his lifestyle, Owen tried to win back his old life by approaching an elderly millionaire woman he knew, hoping to marry her for her money. The video does not reveal the outcome of this plan.
Owen, a young man, devises a plan to marry Eloise, a wealthy widow, in order to inherit her fortune. Believing that Eloise would fall in love with him and leave her money to him upon her death, Owen begins visiting her to offer comfort. However, Eloise, who had recently lost her husband and was dealing with her own loneliness, falls in love with Owen. They get married, but only a few weeks later, Eloise falls ill and reveals the truth to Owen – that she had known about his true intentions all along and had planned to leave her money to her children and charities. Shocked and left with nothing, Owen decides to go back to school and learn the proper way to become an upstanding member of society, realizing that true value comes from hard work and personal efforts.